Tuesday, January 14, 2025

SPL!NG Movie Review: The Amazing Spider-Man

Whatever your reservations about the new Spider-Man remake, The Amazing Spider-Man delivers the goods. Sam Raimi’s version set the standard with Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker in a slick CGI action fest for comic book fans. Marc Webb takes the same formula and reinterprets the story for a more psychological, dramatic take on Parker and his demons.

And Now There’s A Starship Troopers Remake

Sony is in the process of rebooting the subervisve, anti-fascist 1997 film Starship Troopers – also known as the movie with a post-Doogie Howser, pre-Barney Stinson Neil Patrick Harris. The reboot follows the trend of such franchise remakes as RoboCop and Total Recall, where satire and irony get cut out and replaced with 3D and totally slick graphics.

SPL!NG Movie Review: 21 Jump Street (2012)

Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are not a match made in buddy cop heaven. Hill, best known for comedy, got a tip of the hat when he received an Oscar nomination for his role in Moneyball, while Channing Tatum’s range is best encapsulated by boxing legend Muhammed Ali’s mantra: float like a butterfly (romance) and sting like […]

SPL!NG Movie Review: Straw Dogs (2011)

The original Straw Dogs, directed by the legendary Sam Peckinpah and starring Dustin Hoffman is a controversial classic, notorious for its brutal “pleasure rape” scene, ultra-violence and previously banned video release status. Hoffman said he only did it for the money and from the outset, it seems that the new Straw Dogs adaptation remake may have had a similar motive. 

SPL!NG Movie Review: Fright Night [3D] (2011)

Fright Night [3D] is a comedy-horror movie remake of Tom Holland’s 1985 cult classic. You know the VHS rental cover that used to scare the marbles out of you at the video store as a kid, the one with the massive vampire face laughing over a haunted mansion… ja, that one.

So Hey, They’re Remaking ‘Annie’ With Will Smith’s Daughter

I can only assume that Will Smith is doing this to punish me for not watching Hitch. I mean, he remade The Karate Kid with his son as the lead, which was fine (awful) except for the part where there was no karate. And now he’s remaking Annie, with Jay-Z’s help. Look out for the ‘Hard Knock Life’ rap.

SPL!NG Movie Review: Piranha 3D (2010)

Piranha 3D is best described as a blend of Jaws, Girls Gone Wild and Joe’s Apartment and falls into the so-bad-it’s-almost-good category of films. Now depending on your taste in film that could be a fantastic or horrible combination, because there’s no fence-sitting on this one – you’ll either love or hate it.