Chumani Maxwele’s Latest Protest Took Place During His Graduation Ceremony [Video]
Chumani Maxwele has made quite a name for himself with his protests, and on Friday he once again caused a stir during a graduation ceremony.
So Where Exactly Is UCT’s Rhodes Statue Going Now?
The removal of UCT’s Cecil John Rhodes statue was seen by many as a victory, but it could find a home somewhere else in the near future.
Enjoy This SABC Presenter Losing His Cool With EFF Guy [Video]
It seems someone didn’t take their chill pill before hosting the show ‘SABC Newsroom’. Watch Eben Jansen and an EFF spokesperson get in a rather heated debate.
Meanwhile In Cape Town: This Chap Has Chained Himself To The Jan Van Riebeeck Statue [Images]
You can take our freedom, but you will never take….our statues. People are going to extreme measures to protect certain monuments these days.
Afrikaans Singers Are Chaining Themselves To The Kruger Statue Today
Amandla, people. Some influential Afrikaans figures are planning a protest of their own today and it promises to be a heated affair.
The Statue Saga Moves To UKZN [Images]
The defacing of statues has been a topic of hot debate the past few weeks and this latest incident is only going to add fuel to that fire.
The UCT Rhodes Statue Issue Is Getting Heated
I highly doubt Cecil John Rhodes ever anticipated being covered in human poo, yet it has happened. And these are supposed to be the educated kids.