It’s common knowledge that I keep a number of pre-teen Cambodian kids under the floorboards at the Bantry Bay house; for the express purpose of manufacturing fake Havaianas flip-flops. I don’t feel bad about their living conditions, nor the fact that I feed them rubbish. Those kids wouldn’t have a floor over their heads if it wasn’t for me. And, what’s more, they shouldn’t even be here in the first place. Without work visas I could have them kicked out of the country anytime I want. But I don’t and I won’t – because I care.
It is for this reason that I feel connected to and was so impressed by Mike Strutter from He has developed a number of very interesting products – most notable being the MIKEROSLAVE OVEN – which features a similar concept to what I’ve got going with the flip flops.
Do yourself a favour and check out the MIKEROSLAVE OVEN
Is that not one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen in your life? What a gorgeous child – and a hard worker too!
I’m getting one!
I wonder if they have them at Tafelberg Furnishers..
[thanks nick]