Saturday, January 25, 2025

June 25, 2009


Judging by the amount of people sending the link to me, you CLEARLY missed the mention and video of Jordy Smith’s Rodeo Flip we featured last week Friday (here). Shame, maybe you should stop skimming over things? And maybe you should stop sending things before checking they haven’t been featured on 2oceansvibe?

Funnily enough, I made up a saying to help with this problem you seem to be facing. I’d advise you to repeat it in your head at all times. It goes like this : “Look before you leap.”

I know, it’s nothing great. It doesn’t rhyme or anything, but I think it’s got legs.

Use it. Don’t use it. (Also one of mine).

Anyhoo, here is the number one surfer in South Africa and friend of the vibe, Jordy Smith pulling off a RODEO FLIP.

Video courtesy of TheBombSurf.


WATCH VIDEO of Jordy Smith
Landing a “Rodeo Flip”

As I said last time, when I first heard about this I didn’t know what the fuss was all about, as The Muse and I pull off Rodeo Flips the whole time at The Safe House.

But then I saw that video and I realised, jeepers, this guy is like Christian Hoisoi on a surf board!