Thursday, February 6, 2025

July 2, 2012

2oceansvibe Response To Listenership Audit

Since Shaun Dewberry filed his report, 2oceansvibe Media has called for an independent audit of NetDynamix figures which were served to us. That audit has been completed by MyBroadband editor, Rudolph Muller and the figures have been released. Due to gross inconsistencies between these audited figures and those given to us in the past by NetDynamix, we have decided it would be in the best interests of 2oceansvibe and its partners that we part ways with NetDynamix. The DMMA has put us in touch with world leader Triton, who will be taking over our stream and stats analysis.

A lot has been said about how we have used these numbers, possibly for financial gain. While we obviously took any opportunity in the past to boast about the NetDynamix stats – which we were assured to be true – it should be made very clear that, due to our cross-platform offering, our pricing structures have not changed since before we ever had listenership figures. For example a 30 second ad bundle currently sells for R500 per 30-second ad (10 in total) – the same as it was in June 2010. The radio portion of our campaigns commonly comprises about 20% of the total package price. As a result, all of our current radio clients have indicated that they are 100% behind us and look forward to growing this medium with us.

While the newly released audited figures are a massive shock when seen alongside the originally claimed stats; on their own they represent a highly niche group of opinion leaders and decision makers – which explains why our radio competitions often end up trending on Twitter. This is still an exciting audience for us and our clients, and we look forward to growing it with them.

While this past week was hugely damaging for some, we are massively enthusiastic about the first phase of our new partnership with Media24, which sees the 2oceansvibe Radio button added to the front page of

With physical FM radios being close to extinct*, we look forward to bringing back the age-old pastime of listening to the radio at home and work. Imagine listening to a radio station where the DJ talks about what they want, and play music that they want.

Check out to tune in at your desk and see our DJ lineup. Go there on your smartphone to get the app – over 45,000 downloaded (fact).

HEY, DID YOU KNOW? – Stats show that productivity in the workplace improves 30,000% when listening to internet radio (un-audited).

* Motivation for extinction comment – we are referring to this high-end 8 to 10 LSM demographic. 2oceansvibe did a survey of 1,035 2oceansvibe News readers and 65% confirmed they didn’t have FM radios at the office. 

UPDATE: We thought it pertinent to report that whilst numbers of 200 – 300 listeners per hour have been quoted up until now, Rudolph Muller from MyBroadband confirmed that 2oceansvibe Radio’s audience was “peaking at over 4,000 unique listeners in a day.”