You will not believe this. Those of you who thought your privacy was safe on Instagram obviously forgot that Facebook bought it. Their new ToS goes live on January 16, and it will frighten you.
Under its new Terms Of Service agreement, Instagram now has the right to share all your information with Facebook, to the point where both companies have the right to sell your likeness to advertisers without your knowledge.
Enjoy this paragraph, for example:
You agree that a business or other entity may pay us to display your username, likeness, photos (along with any associated metadata), and/or actions you take, in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotions, without any compensation to you.
Mashable puts this into context rather well:
Let’s take a moment to digest that. And pause to imagine a future you flopping on the couch, opening the laptop and seeing an ad — one of those faux-amateur, gauzy collections of images of everyday life used to sell just about everything. Only one of the images is you, or your spouse, or your kid from when she lost her tooth the other month.
So what’s your recourse if you don’t like it?
Your only option is to leave Instagram. For realsies.
[Source : Mashable]