Charlie Sheen is crying out to Christopher Dorner, the rouge ex-police cop who allegedly killed three people, to call him to talk about his crimes. On Saturday, Sheen released this video urging Dorner to contact him, after the actor was mentioned in Mr Dorners manifesto. Dorners didn’t make too much mension of Sheen other than saying, “Charlie Sheen, you’re effin awesome.”
Dorner explains in his manifesto the need for justice in the Los Angeles Police Department, where he witnessed violations of a citizen’s civil rights by another officer. He was also fired in 2008 from the LAPD. He cites his dismissal from the LAPD as his reason for seeking justice and has promised ”unconventional and asymmetrical warfare” against members of the LAPD and their families.
The Police Chief Charlie Beck said the LAPD would reopen the case that led to Dorner’s firing to reassure the public that Dorner had no valid reason for seeking “justice” against the LAPD.
[Source: Global Post]