Sure, this house doesn’t look like much from the outside. From the back it looks like a drab cement garden shed. But just hang on one moment. Have you seen this thing from the front? Have you looked inside? You should.
This portable home, called the ÁPH80 was designed by a Spanish architecture firm, Ábaton. The house is 290 square feet (26,94 square meters) and was designed with three things in mind – environmental balance, simplicity, and wellbeing for the people who live there. The home comes equipped with a double bedroom, full bathroom, kitchen/living room and floor to ceiling windows.
Most of the building materials used in this tiny abode can be recycled, and the whole home can be assembled in only one day! Do you want one? You’re in luck! After it is manufactured, it will be able to be transported almost anywhere in the world!
[Source: The Huffington Post]