In a very obvious PR stunt, two British spies supervised three employees of The Guardian, as they used angle grinders and a drill to destroy three laptops containing the files leaked to the news organization by Edward Snowden. Deputy editor for The Guardian Paul Johnson expressly told the government that the paper had numerous files overseas, and the destruction of these computers was pointless:
It was purely a symbolic act; we knew that, GCHQ knew that and the government knew that.
The Guardian released this new video footage on Friday, documenting the destruction, which took place in the basement of the company’s London headquarters on 20 July last year. Ironically, when the White House Spokesperson was asked if Obama would instigate such an action he said:
It’s very difficult to imagine a scenario in which that would happen.
It’s almost as if the American’s & Brits have momentarily traded places.
[Source: Mashable ]