Monday, February 10, 2025

March 19, 2014

Facebook’s New ‘Deepface’ Program Will Blow Your Mind

'Deepface' sounds like a Bond villain or his plot to destroy the world, and it should. Using the world's largest photo gallery, a la Facebook, the company has created a program that can determine whether two photographed faces are of the same person with 97.25% accuracy. If you consider humans have 97.53% accuracy doing the same task, this program is mind blowing.

‘Deepface’ sounds like a Bond villain or his plot to destroy the world, and it should. Using the world’s largest photo gallery, a la Facebook, the company has created a program that can determine whether two photographed faces are of the same person with 97.25% accuracy. If you consider humans have 97.53% accuracy doing the same task, this program is, officially, mind blowing.

Don’t bother removing all your tags and photos, it’s too late. Using deep learning algorithms, specifically the machine’s “learning model neural network’ that is modeled to imitate the central nervous system, Facebook’s ‘Deepface’ is currently only a research project. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has expressed interest in further developing Facebook’s artificial intelligence capabilities, with text and status updates next up on the agenda.

Be afraid.

For more on ‘Deepface’ click here and here.



[ Source : HuffingtonPost ]