Many of us reach those points in life, where we collapse into a dishevelled heap on the floor and ask ourselves through the tears and compulsive spoonfuls of ice-cream, ” What am I doing with my life????? “.
We have spent money on a Tony Robbins DVD or bought ( and then lost ) 3 copies of The Secret and then used the the fourth as a coffee coaster . We then hilariously act surprised when we find that we are still very much in the same ‘rut’ as we were 10 years ago.
Well, we might be able to change your life. In less than a day. And this, dear readers , is no short term gimmick. It’s the real deal .The alpha and the omega of Life Coaching starts with Kari Peters.
Kari has devised a way to teach you, how to go after the single thing that you have most wanted to experience, with the most desire during your life, without giving up on the life and the responsibilities you have. So you get it all.
The best part is that she will show you the way in a single day – no laborious hours watching self-help seminar after self-help seminar on the 10-disc volume of DVD’s you bought in a moment of panic. No late nights spent up with the pen-torch, muddling through the second chapter of the latest 50-chapter bible, written by a spiritual guru whose first name you can’t even pronounce. Nope, Kari keeps it simple.
Here’s what you need to know:
Time: 09:00 AM – 04:30 PM
Location: Maison Noir, Farriers Way, Hout Bay, Cape Town, WC, 7806, South Africa, Cape Town
Cost: $150
More info: Maison Noir is nestled in the Hout Bay mountain-side amongst a peaceful setting of meditation ponds.
Or click HERE to book your ticket directly