Celebs have it rough sometimes. All that fame and glory and then the fuzz still ask for ID, how dare they? Alec Baldwin is obviously the innocent victim here, right?
Well… maybe not entirely innocent. He was riding his bicycle on the wrong side of the road when the police pulled him over. Oh Alec you naughty rebel you!
When the cops asked him for identification, Baldwin lost it on them, sources told The Daily News. “He became belligerent, yelling and screaming at the officers, ‘I don’t have ID. Just give me the f—–g summonses,'” one police source said. [Daily News]
Swearing at the cops, getting marched down the street, poor guy did make a bit of a scene. Funny thing though, later that day when reporters who did recognise him wanted a quick word he was pissed off with them too. Seems he wants to have his celebrity cake and hide behind it too. More here.
[Source]Daily News