This trend in political thinking is absolutely shocking!
Slating intellectual development totally disregards the ethos of the founding members of the ANC at the same time as encouraging an unhealthy and fictitious colonial stereotype about “uneducated savages.”
Following on from his post-election irritation with what he has called a ridiculous media scandal about Nkandla, Jacob Zuma has come out stating publically that only “bright, clever” people would be concerned with this spending of public funds – as though being a “bright clever person” is something you would scrape off the bottom of your shoe in disgust.
It wasn’t the first time President Jacob Zuma referred disparagingly to “clever” black people.
In 2012, he told Parliament: “Even some Africans, who become too clever, become the most eloquent in criticising themselves about their own traditions.”
He has also repeatedly said black people who voted against the ANC would be punished by their ancestors.
Zuma has led this anti-intellectual trend in the ruling party. He has turned back the natural development and modernisation of traditional cultures in our society and established himself more as a chief and an African Big Man than the president of a modern, open democracy.[iol]
Zuma may not have had such great intellectual grooming – and of course, it takes more than just intellect to be a successful leader – but this is no reason for him to discourage the growth of an educated South African population. Some of the greatest struggle icons had very little formal education and yet they proved themselves as some of the sharpest and most innovative thinkers of our time. Walter Sisulu, Steve Biko, Albert Lutuli, Oliver Tambo and of course our beloved Madiba were all incredibly “bright, clever” people.
Is Zuma honestly suggesting that these ANC ‘greats’ to whom he owes his political standing should have dummed themselves down to be more “African”? What a load of……..
Wise up Mr President. Read more on this here.
[Source: iol]
[thanks Lauren]