Friday, February 7, 2025

Did Kim Kardashian’s Dad Hide Evidence That Would Have Convicted OJ Simpson?

In 1994, when OJ Simpson was acquitted for the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ron Goldman Robert Kardashian (senior) was one of his defence attorneys and trusted confidants. He never testified during the trial, was he really hiding key evidence that would solidify OJ's guilt?

In 1994, when OJ Simpson was acquitted for the murder of  Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, Robert Kardashian (senior) was one of his defence attorneys.

Now, 20 years after the fact that Fred Goldman, Ron’s father, has alleged that Robert hid key evidence which would have convicted OJ for the murders. Although he did not give any details about what he thought this evidence was.

Kardashian was indeed seen leaving Simpson’s Los Angeles home carrying a suitcase the day after the fatal stabbings, the New York Times reported.

“That evidence would have convicted ‘the killer,'” Goldman, who refuses to call Simpson by his name, told the Mail.

There is speculation that the bag contained the murder weapon – which, to this day, has yet to be found. Kardashian admits that he was not convinced of his clients innocence, but did not elaborate more than to say it was the “blood evidence” that troubled him and has taken whatever other secrets he knows to his grave. Kardashian succumbed to oesophageal cancer in 2003.

Could he have made the murder weapon disappear? Conspiracy theorists let us know…
