This is rad – nothing like getting on a flight and then having a cray cray woman ruin it for you. And I’m not talking one too many dinky bottles of vino. Or leaving a dirty little poo in the toilet. I’m talking about lighting up a cigarette and then telling the entire plane that the “United States had declared war on Venezuela”.
The American Airlines passenger, Karen Bettez Halnan from the USA, was on a flight from Nicaragua to Miami and blamed the cigarette on the man next to her even though people had her on video. When she was informed that police would be meeting her on the other side, she decided she would continue her rant. Let me tell you something: Nicaragua to Miami is not a short flight. She continued her rant for a further two hours, until landing.
A passenger who posted to Reddit said:
I definitely got nervous when she starting using the b-word (you know, the one word you aren’t supposed to use on planes). I have flown a ton in the past but this is the first time I was ever nervous on a plane. I knew she was crazy from the start. At some point in the first half of the flight, I was watching a movie on my phone when she tapped my shoulder and started saying “adicción, adicción”. I quickly realized that she was telling me I was addicted to my cell phone. I kinda ignored her and put my earbuds back in.
We ALL know not to use the B word. Come on.
She was arrested in Miami.
[Source: Gawker]