Remember that mock-documentary video we posted awhile back about the “Instagram Husband”? Well, now there’s a study on relationships such as those that has found that, although people who were more satisfied with their body image posted more selfies, they also reportedly experience more conflict in their relationships. One such argument is on jealousy over others paying that person too much online attention. Who knew how dangerous those double taps could be?
This may lead to excessive monitoring of the other’s Instagram feed, which means they see even more of the attention the photos receive from followers, potentially winding them up still further. This could potentially lead to greater conflict, cheating, or a break-up.
This behaviour is associated with jealousy, insecurity and dissatisfaction in relationships. Favouring the online support, the frequent selfie poster tends to be less intimate and emotionally supportive with their partner. Basically, they have a narcissistic streak. However, whether these actions actually caused the reaction or just brought up an underlying personality trait is yet to be determined.
A wonder how many break ups this will cause, with the base argument being: You’re a narcissist, bitch!
[source: mashable]