Wednesday, February 12, 2025

February 12, 2016

Brilliant – Here’s What ‘Zupta Must Fall’ Looks Like In Sign Language [Video]

It can't be easy trying to keep up with SONA in sign - whatever you use for the words honourable member will get a good working - but this is pure gold.

All those okes who printed #ZumaMustFall might feel a little short-changed, but if last night leaves us with one thing it’s ‘Zupta Must Fall’.

Now we know we’ve had our fair share of sign language interpreter fiascos in this country but this might restore your faith. As the EFF chanted their new rallying call spare a thought for the lady who had to sign the whole thing.

I’d like to go on the record and say I think she’s played out of her boots. Just check this video below:

She does exit her chair towards the end but she put in a pretty decent shift so fair play.
