Sunday, February 16, 2025

August 11, 2016

Man Climbs Trump Tower And Leaves A Mysterious YouTube Message For Donald Trump [Video]

The Trump Tower was the scene of some disturbance yesterday when an avid Trump believer attempted to ascend it to get a personal meeting with the Presidential candidate.

In an effort to gain Trump’s attention, what would you do?

Well, ‘Steve from Virginia’ – as authorities have now dubbed him – used suction cups and scaled the Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan yesterday.

Not only is the building the Trump headquarters, but also Trump’s family home and ‘Steve from Virginia’ was on a mission to get a personal meeting with the Presidential candidate.

He started his climb on the 5th storey, but he only made it to the 21st – that’s when officials pulled him in through a window using a rope and some man-force.

Other efforts by the police to get to the man included smashing in windows above him and inflating giant cushions below him in case he tumbled off the 58-story Trump headquarters.


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When police managed to grab the crazed 20-year-old, he had been climbing for three hours and a rather large crowd had gathered below to watch the scene.

Here’s some footage of the incident:

Once obtained, officials took “Steve from Virginia” to a nearby psychiatric hospital for evaluation and it was later discovered that he had left the below message on Youtube – although no one knows what the research is on:

He is a weird one, hey?

Anyways, Donald Trump – who was not in the building nor in the state – had a few words to say via Twitter.

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[source: dailybeast&ijr&usatoday]