Friday, March 7, 2025

August 16, 2016

People Living In The Cape Town CBD Can Be Pretty Clueless Sometimes

If living in the CBD (and looking at property prices) teaches you one thing it's that space is always at a premium. We're really missing a trick, though.

No one wants to admit they’re a hoarder, and some people are easier at letting things go than others, but one point or another we’ve all been faced with a certain conundrum.

You have things that are valuable, and you could sell them, but you realise they’re one-of-a-kind pieces and you just can’t let anyone else have it.

So what do you do with it when you’re all out of space? I can hear the city-slicking Capetonians saying ‘store it in some arbitrary unit in the middle of the Northern Suburbs’, because that’s where we all seem to think the closest unit is.

Hell no, because then every time you want to grab something it’s a massive mission.

Life hack – you go to Roeland Street, or even Sea Point, and deposit whatever you have into whichever Stor-Age self-storage unit that floats your boat. It’s the in-the-city option you have been waiting for.

Just look at all the Cape Peninsula options:

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Pretty shweet, am I right?

Of course that’s not the only reason to use Stor-Age to store pretty much anything – except for this stuff. Their business goes beyond providing units, as they put a lot of effort into the operation systems, too. Check:

Business Centre
Customers are offered free access to wifi and an area to relax and conduct their business activity while visiting their self storage unit.

Feature directory boards to help you find your way

Directional boards
Self storage facilities are a maze of corridors and passageways. Sometimes each row looks like the last, that is why Stor-Age have directional signage in strategic locations to make sure clients know where their valuables are kept.

Easy roll-up doors
Of course security is a main concern and top priority. Stor-Age have put a number of measures in place, with secure doors that are easy to open and glide effortlessly.

GSSF artist impression

Extra large lifts
If you have ever had to move a couch up or downstairs you will know it is a struggle. This is why the lifts at Stor-Age are exceptional quality, and extra large, to make sure you can move your goods easily.

Motion detection lighting
An awesome feature to protect us from the wraths of Eskom – lights only turn on when they are needed, to save electricity and help the environment.

Tagless exit
Although clients require access controlled entry, for safety and security there are tagless exit doors. This means you can simply swipe your hand and release the door.

Feature use our trolleys

CCTV security
Key points throughout the stores are monitored by 24-hour CCTV cameras.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, the Roeland Street branch is just opposite the Cape Town fire station so you really are in good hands. Click HERE to see what they can do for you and get 50% off your first month.