Thursday, January 16, 2025

August 31, 2016

Looks Like Coca-Cola Products Are Still Full Of Cocaine

I'm sure you've heard stories about how Coke used to be rammed full of all sorts back in the old days, but a recent discovery in France is worth looking at.

Wanna know what the world’s most damaging white powder is?

Refined sugar y’all, which has more kids hooked than a rented Camps Bay villa over December.

Now Coca-Cola can’t hide the fact that their products are rammed full of sugar, seven teaspoons per 330ml Coke can for example, but they have denied the presence of the marching powder for as long as the story has been around.

This might sting then – below from Bloomberg:

Workers at a Coca-Cola factory in southern France opened a shipment of orange juice but found a huge shipment of cocaine instead…

Sacks containing 370 kilograms (815 pounds) of cocaine were hidden in a shipping container holding orange juice from Costa Rica, the spokesman said. The Marseille prosecutor’s office said Wednesday it opened an investigation into trafficking and importing illegal drugs.

Aaah, open happiness.

So how much legitimacy is there to those cocaine in Coke allegations? This from LiveScience:

While the Coca-Cola Company officially denies the presence of cocaine in any of its products — past or present — historical evidence suggests that the original Coca-Cola did, in fact, contain cocaine.

Coca-Cola was first created in 1886 by Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton, who modeled his beverage after a then-popular French refreshment, coca wine…To avoid liquor regulations, Pemberton chose to mix his coca-leaf extract with sugar syrup instead of wine. He also added kola-nut extract, lending Coca-Cola the second half of its name, as well as an extra jolt of caffeine.

…by 1903, the tide of public opinion had turned against the widely used and abused narcotic, leading the Coca-Cola Company’s then-manager, Asa Griggs Candler, to remove nearly all cocaine from the company’s beverages. But Coke wouldn’t become completely cocaine-free until 1929, when scientists perfected the process of removing all psychoactive elements from coca-leaf extract.

Poor America – in the midst of Prohibition, and with the Great Depression beginning in 1929, scientists yank their last vice out from beneath them.

Coca-Cola might be destroying your health, but at least they brought us this advert:



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