Wednesday, February 19, 2025

December 7, 2017

There’s Something Fishy About The ‘Apartheid Did Not Die’ Ad On YouTube [Video]

Most YouTube ads, popping up before you can watch that video, are to do with cars and the like. So what's up with the apartheid advert many South Africans are seeing?

If you pay attention to what’s going down on South African social media, you’ll know that Twitter is awash with those bot accounts.

Paid to disseminate the White Monopoly Capital message and discredit journalists exposing State Capture, along with spreading messages from the likes of Black First Land First’s Andile Mngxitama, it’s kind of become par for the Twitter course.

This week, however, a number of YouTube users have reported seeing a rather interesting ad displaying.

We first saw mention of this on reddit – this thread.

Then people started talking about it on My Broadband:

Is it an ad on YouTube or an uploaded video on YouTube? I have seen some say that this is an ad that appeared on YouTube…

It’s an ad. I’ve flagged it as hateful but is still doing the rounds…

Yeah definitely an ad. Also had it pop up before some videos yesterday which was a proper wtf moment for me…

Also came up for me on YouTube yesterday morning…

Maybe you’ve seen it too?

Anyway, here’s what some peeps have been greeted with whilst waiting to watch a video:

Hmmm, sure does look like the kind of thing that the likes of Bell Pottinger and the Guptas are keen to spread.

It all seems a little fishy.

Let’s be clear about something before we carry on. White privilege – real. Massive economic divide due to the legacy of apartheid – duh.

Misinformation aimed at discrediting those who have exposed the likes of Zuma, the Guptas and the rest of the State Capture cronies – yeah, we see you too.

The account that posted the video, now displaying as an advert on YouTube, is called Blaq Love.

These are the rest of the videos that the account has uploaded:

The account’s description is as follows:

Welcome South Africa ! We have build a community black love in youtube for South Africa’s different travelling places, celebrity’s interviews, behind the scenes videos and much more.

Seems like the Twitter account they list,, has already met its demise:

The Facebook account listed,, is also no longer in existence.

Would be pretty interesting to see where the money to promote that video as an advert on YouTube came from, hey?

Oh, and to the Gupta / White Monopoly Capital trolls – bring it, pal.
