Monday, February 10, 2025

March 13, 2018

It’s Tough To Explain The US Navy’s Encounter With This UFO [Video]

They're not saying that it's piloted by little green men, but the team behind the release of this latest video say they need an explanation.

Two weeks ago we told you about some mysterious footage filmed in Milwaukee, which had the live on-air anchors somewhat lost for words.

That one was quickly debunked as being a flock of seagulls, but it’s a little tougher to explain away a new video doing the rounds.

Let’s start from the beginning, though, which means explaining what the ‘The Stars Academy of Arts and Science’ is all about.

Co-founded by former Blink-182 musician Tom DeLonge (you know those guys love aliens), the organisation aims to shine a light on the unexplained, picking up where the Pentagon left off when they shelved an initiative devoted to identifying unknown objects in aerospace.

This is their video that caused the initial stir a few months back:

So there’s that video, and then there’s ‘Go Fast’, which they released late last week. CNN reports:

The group said it is Defense Department footage from an F/A-18 Super Hornet’s video of the “high-speed flight of an unidentified aircraft.”

…Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program who now works at To The Stars Academy, told CNN on Monday that the newly released video provides further evidence of what he said is likely a much larger cache of Pentagon materials about unidentified aerial phenomena and underscored the need for a public conversation around the issue…

“But there is far more compelling evidence that I was privy to that — you know, I think you’re looking at the tip of the iceberg.”

Here’s the ‘Go Fast’ video that the Academy uploaded to YouTube:

And some of their write-up about the video:

This footage was captured by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet using the Raytheon ATFLIR Pod that was being operated by a highly trained aerial observer and weapons system operator whom the government has spent millions of dollars to train. Go Fast reveals a Navy encounter that occurred off the East Coast of the United States in 2015 and the object in view remains unidentified.

CNN Safety Analyst David Soucie is stumped:

[He] said he was taken aback in particular by the lack of heat indicated in the video by the object and bemoaned the project’s reported ending.

“There is literally no explanation for this in my mind,” Soucie said.

Hey, if he can’t explain it then what hope is there for us. For what it’s worth, Elizondo doesn’t believe that this is concrete evidence of aliens, but he still has questions that he wants answered:

[He] said he did not believe the object was necessarily “a little green space alien,” but that they couldn’t rule anything out, and that even if the object is simply a foreign aircraft, that alone should be alarming.

“It could be anything, so I wouldn’t rule anything out, and that’s why I think we need to look at it,” Elizondo said. “I mean it could be Russian. It could be Chinese. It could be little green men from Mars. We don’t know what the hell it is.”

If it is aliens, may I suggest that they pack it in and return home at once. I’m not sure that there’s much to learn from the mess that we have made down here.
