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Shane Warne is a single, 49-year-old man, which means he is free to surf Tinder to his heart’s content. The problem with being a prominent figure on a site like Tinder, is that someone is eventually going to sell you down the river.
Exchanges between Shane and a “much younger woman” have now emerged, and it’s all pretty cringeworthy.
With stories like these, it’s always the Daily Mail that ends up with the deets. Before we delve into those, let’s see Shane’s Tinder main picture in all its glory:
Why is putting on a t-shirt such a foreign concept on Tinder? At least his face looks better than those disturbing images from a few years back.
Here are the details about the exchange between Shane and that younger London woman:
In a series of cringeworthy leaked exchanges, the 49-year-old former cricketer asks: ‘I’m in need of some naughty fun – wanna play?’
The young professional that Shane was chatting to on the dating app was rather surprised by how flirtatious he was.
‘It sounds like he does this regularly,’ she told Daily Mail Australia on Friday…
The conversations between Shane and the 24-year-old woman began after they matched on June 6.
The final message is the headline grabber:
Interesting how the convo died for almost two months, and then it’s ‘naughty fun’ time.
Shane’s Tinder tales have previously made the news:
In 2015, he matched on Tinder with an Australian single mother named Kim McGrath.
Kim later told Woman’s Day of their encounter: ‘He was definitely in charge. He asked me to keep [my high heels] on while he spanked me.’
The following year, it was reported he enjoyed a tryst with 24-year-old Simone Toon [above] after meeting on a sugar daddy website.
‘He couldn’t keep his hands off me. I barely had a foot in the door before he was trying to pounce on me,’ Simone told The Sun at the time.
‘I kept him at bay for about 10 minutes but then gave up. He was all over me and stripped me naked.’
To be fair, he has toned down his Tinder profile. Here’s a screenshot from several years ago:
Thinking of starting a GoFundMe page to buy him a t-shirt. Who’s in?
[imagecredit: https://onlineforlove.com/tinder]