Everybody is talking about Leaving Neverland, the HBO doccie that focuses on accusations of sexual assault levelled against Michael Jackson.
British director Dan Reed brought together survivors of Jackson’s alleged abuse in a documentary that has been described as “devastating” and “complicated and heartbreaking” by critics.
At the same time, Jackson’s ‘Neverland’ ranch is back on the market in a possible bid to offload it as quickly as possible, before the doccie causes too much harm.
Not everyone is buying the evidence, though. Despite the change in the social climate of late, that encourages support for survivors – a change that came about largely as a result of the #MeToo movement – people are insistent that the accusations against Jackson are false.
In fact, Jackson fans (stans) are ramping up their efforts to discredit the film, reports VICE.
Let’s take a look at their response to Anthony King (below), a man whose entire career is based on Jackson – we’re talking books, dance classes, Jackson themed team-building workshops and more.
But now, he says, he’s finished. “As far as I’m concerned, it’s over,” he told me in a phone interview. “I’ve removed Michael Jackson’s name [from] my Twitter bios, my Instagram, and I’m working on literally doing a Pharaoh Akhenaten—they removed the guy’s name from ancient Egypt, every statue, and I’m doing it.”
The film’s impending release prompted King to post a series of tweets in which he said that, regardless of whether or not Jackson ever molested any children, everyone should be able to agree that it’s unacceptable for an adult to share a bed with a child in the way the singer allegedly did. He also wrote that it’s wrong to attack “victims and alleged victims of child abuse.”
The tweets did not go down well. King was called a “bitch” and “scum”. One guy even commented the following on his Facebook:
“U are so effin lucky u don’t live closer to me,” wrote one fan in a Facebook message. “I swear to almighty God up above I wud tear you from limb to limb” (sic).
King has now completely severed ties with Jackson. He’s starting over.
Meanwhile, in China, people are taking the release of the film very seriously, and they aren’t happy. People have been protesting in the cities and putting signs up on the Great Wall of China.
Keen Zhang, has posted photos of around 20 events across China to his Facebook, apparently showing Jackson fans protesting against Leaving Neverland. These gatherings are in addition to an unrelated pro-MJ protest at the Sundance Film Festival, and upcoming ones in London and New York.
Zang is president of the Michael Jackson Chinese Fan Club, which collected close to £6 000 used to rent ad space on buses for Jackson Truther posters.
Keep in mind that none of the people protesting have actually seen the film, and they’re working on blind faith. When asked what would happen if they were supplied with compelling evidence, one fan had the following to say:
“There’s no scenario that would make me change my mind,” he replied. “I would be very surprised if anyone does come forward with legitimate claims, but I think it would be very, very difficult for me to be convinced at this stage.”
That’s the problem right there – people digging their heels in.
No doubt, the doccie will be met with even more controversy after its release.
I know I’ll be watching it.