Ridley Scott’s sci-fi masterpiece Alien quickly became a cinematic classic following its release in 1979.
The film broke the mould that had defined sci-fi up until that point. Scott combined the suspense of a drama with the thrill of a horror, letting it all play out in space with a tough female protagonist driving the action.
Now, documentarian Alexandre O. Philippe – best known for his incredibly specific examination of Psycho’s infamous shower scene for the documentary 78/52 – is taking a close look at what went into the making of the groundbreaking movie.
Here’s Gizmodo:
Memory: The Origins of Alien won’t cover a specific moment á la 78/52, but rather the entire production of the 1979 movie, picking apart production design, thematic elements, and Scott’s process for bringing the claustrophobic corridors of the Nostromo alive.
If the [below] trailer, revealed by Birth Movies Death ahead of the film’s upcoming debut at Fantastic Fest 2019, is anything to go by, the tone and aesthetic of the documentary is going to be just as evocatively chilling as Alien itself. Which is kind of perfect for a loving deep dive into Alien, really.
Sounds incredible. We’re going in:
Looks like the film has aged well.
I foresee a movie night in the near future.