Your dream vacation may seem too out of sight right now due to this pandemic. However, this shouldn’t discourage you from planning. If anything, now is the perfect time to plan for that backpacking trip you’ve always wanted to do.
Here are some tips for how to do it while in quarantine.
1. Create a vision board
No one really knows when this virus will disappear so there’s no way of telling when we’ll be able to go on vacation again. For now, you can create a vision board of your trip to serve as inspiration. Go ahead and grab some old magazines and cut up images that encapsulate your dream backpacking trip. Be creative with whatever crafting materials you can find at home. With this vision board, you’ll be able to see clearly what elements you want to include in your trip. It also serves as a good mood lifter for this difficult time.
2. Plan for a few people
With large backpacking trips, we often want to include as many people as we can. It’s a major vacation after all and more heads means a livelier party, right? Post-pandemic, you’ll want to be mindful about the number of people in your group. It’s more secure to only have a few go with you as it makes logistics much easier and the time you spend on this trip will be much memorable.
3. Opt for rare locations
Many people, just like you, are itching to back out there and travel. This means there will be a surge in travelers visiting the most popular hotspots. As tempting as it can be to tick off Bali or Budapest from your bucket list, you’ll want to hold off on these locations because they will be flooded with tourists. If you really want to enjoy your next backpacking trip, opt for underrated locations. You’ll be glad you avoided the huge crowds.
4. Consider domestic travel
As we move forward from this pandemic, we can expect certain locations to impose entry restrictions on travelers from specific countries that are known to be hotspots for the virus. Because of this, your options for travel may be limited to local destinations. Don’t fret. Who says you need to go abroad to have an epic backpacking trip? Sometimes, the best experiences are right in your own backyard.
5. Pack wisely
By now, you’ve probably acquired skills that help you to become efficient whether it’s shopping swiftly at the grocery for only the essentials or whipping up a delicious meal in less than 30 minutes. We hope this has translated to your packing as well. On your next backpacking trip, you should already have mastered the art of packing light. This means planning multiple outfits with just a few key pieces and decanting your toiletries to travel bottles. If comfort is a priority to you, you should pack a sleeping bag, and bring an easily carried wedge pillow or a foldable travel pillow. Come up with strategies for packing light now and you’ll be thankful for it later.
6. Save, save, save
You may be going on a backpacking trip but you don’t want to be strapped for cash on your first trip right after the pandemic. This is prime time to put away as much money as you can for that trip. All that money you’ve saved from not going out every weekend can be put towards this fund. Also, limit your online shopping so you only get what you really need. Remember, everyone is bored out of their minds right now and are probably trying to cope by going on shopping sprees online. Look back on that vision board you created and use it as motivation to save up for the trip.