Friday, March 7, 2025

March 31, 2022

Buddies With David Mackenzie: Water Polo Coach Dean Carelse To Be Deported Home From Australia

Dean Carelse pleaded guilty to almost 20 charges in court yesterday, including 14 counts of indecent treatment of a child under the age of 16.

[imagesource: Facebook]

Dean Carelse’s stay in Australia is due to come to an end.

In March last year, Carelse was arrested and charged with possessing child exploitation material, with reports stating he had in excess of 2 000 images of “child exploitation material” on two phones.

It’s also alleged that he created an Instagram account under a fake name, ‘Taylor Brooke’, which he used to groom children.

Can’t say I blame Australia for not wanting him around, to be honest.

Here’s the latest via News24:

The 41-year-old appeared in the Maroochydore District Court on Wednesday, where he was handed a two-year sentence, suspended after six months for three years. After his release, he is expected to be deported to South Africa.

Carelse reportedly took indecent recordings of children in their swimming costumes, and the court heard that he had groomed a 13-year-old boy after taking the videos.

Image: Facebook / ABC News

His defence lawyer Ben Powers reportedly petitioned the court, saying that his client was extremely remorseful and that the crimes “came at a time of loneliness”.

In total, Carelse pleaded guilty to almost 20 charges, which included 14 counts of indecent treatment of a child under the age of 16.

In addition, Carelse’s former partner in Gqeberha has claimed that the water polo coach told him he was having “sexual interactions with children” as far back as 2002.

There’s also a connection with another disgraced former water polo coach, David Mackenzie, who resigned from his role at St Andrews College in Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) in 2018.

News24 and My Only Story also uncovered a consistent pattern of inappropriate behaviour by… Mackenzie, who had ties with Carelse over several years. Carelse had previously coached Mackenzie

Intimate messages between Mackenzie and a pupil from the school were found on the pupil’s phone, as well as other damning material.

Back to Carelse, with ABC reporting:

The court heard Carelse was looking after a group of students at a sports carnival during his time as a Sunshine Coast [Queensland] private school teacher when he used his phone to make indecent recordings of the children in their swimming togs in November 2019.

It cost him his job.

Crown prosecutor Greg Cummings said the court needed to denounce the “slippery slope” of offending, with Carelse grooming a 13-year-old boy, the child of friends, “for an extensive period of time” after taking the videos.

Arguing his defence, Powers told the court that his client had completed a number of “religious-based courses” during his time in custody.

All in all, a massive fall from grace from a man who once coached a certain Springbok rugby captain, and was very highly regarded in the Queensland water polo world before the wheels came off.
