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The Writing Corner: What You Should Know About The Writing Process

How do writers plan their work? Are there any secrets that help you write better? Mastering the art of writing never comes alone.

How do writers plan their work? Are there any secrets that help you write better? Mastering the art of writing never comes alone. Most of the time, it goes hand in hand with procrastination and a lack of self-confidence. But true writers know how to organize their time and dedicate their efforts to a new masterpiece. A student suffers from procrastination in writing academic assignments too. The closer the deadline, the less willingness a learner shows. 

How can one overcome procrastination? Our experts are here to help. You’ll find the answer to this and more secrets about the writing process in the article below.

Add Structure to the Working Process

Structure is the biggest part of success. If you set your mind on ‘Who can write a paper for me?’ you obviously know nothing about the structure. Don’t worry; the average structure of the writing process is as simple as it sounds.

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Regardless of what assignment you’re writing, the structure will be as follows:

  • Collecting the data. Watch documentaries and browse academic databases like Jstor. The sources you explore must be peer-reviewed, while the data relevant. Download the sources you need and note citations and the ideas you like; 
  • Drafting. Revisit your thesis statement and the overall structure of your future essay. Plan the internal organization of the paragraphs and chapters. Highlight the main ideas, add the proof and citations;
  • Writing. This is when you take the parts of your draft and combine them together. Keep your writing cohesive. The body paragraphs should logically continue the thesis statement. Pay special attention to the counterargument section. Bombard your reader with the strongest reasons and statistics. Don’t forget about the sources!;
  • Proofreading and editing. This is the concluding stage of every writing process. Use apps for grammar and plagiarism checking. Ask your professor for advice and revise your text according to their comments. 

Practice Makes Perfect

Writing is not always about inspiration, despite the traditional myth. Most of the time, writing is about discipline and strong self-organization. You won’t become a great writer in the blink of an eye. Like any other activity to be mastered, writing requires training. The more you write – the closer to your dream you get. But only if you analyze your writing, learn from mistakes, and keep going. 

How to self-organize yourself and get the best out of the writing sessions?

  • Scheduling. Find a time when distraction is minimal. Most writing experts will tell you that the best time for writing is morning hours. The world is quiet, the neighbours are sleeping, and you can concentrate the best. However, the most appropriate time is when you feel most energized and less distracted. Schedule the ‘writing hour’ and follow your plan;
  • Use planning and distraction-freeing apps. A planning app will send you reminders on the ‘writing hour.’ A note-taking app lets you write down your thoughts while on the go. Meanwhile, apps like WriteRoom will isolate you from social media notifications and let you stay focused;
  • Use play-and-work techniques. What does this mean? To stay efficient, alternate your work and rest periods. Install a Pomodoro-based music list or set a timer. By doing so, you’ll avoid procrastination and have enough time to recharge your battery.

Sometimes Reviews are Everything

We have already advised you to show your ready-made work to the professor before the deadline strikes. Revising your paper according to the professor’s comments will bring you more points. But what to do if the professor doesn’t respond to your messages or is far too busy? In this case, you have a few more options.

  • Ask your friend or a groupmate to read your work. This is especially beneficial if they write academic assignments themselves;
  • Ask the local writing center for help. All colleges have writing centers where specialists will teach you the basics of academic writing;
  • Reach out to a writing agency. This is the last resort for those who got no help from the college staff. Or if the deadline is close and the topic is complex.

Surround Yourself with Helpful Resources

Composing an essay might sound like a daunting experience, especially if you have no skills to do academic assignments proficiently. Even if you know the writing theory, you might lack practice. As we’ve learned, practice makes perfect. So, how to painlessly boost your writing skills?

  • Read books. Both fiction and non-fiction sources are great examples of language. By reading, you learn how to construct phrases and sentences. You learn how the context changes the word’s meaning. Best of all: you also learn how to communicate with your reader and evoke emotions;
  • Ask for more academic examples. Ask your instructor to share examples of the best works ever produced by the alumni. By reading them, you’ll understand your instructor’s expectations better;
  • Enroll in writing courses online or in the local college. Online educational platforms like Coursera or Khan Academy offer free writing programs. Another option for mastering the art of writing is watching tutorials;
  • Start a blog. Writing on topics you care about will inspire you to write on a daily basis. Especially after you get an audience hungry for new insights.

Don’t Forget about the Outside World

Yeap, most 19th-century writers lived up to the definition of a ‘hermit.’ But they had no Internet or writing apps that made their writing process faster. Staying in a writing cave does no good to your mental and physical health. Let’s find out how to make your designated room an inviting place for the Literature muse. And how to not forget about active breaks. 

  • Physical surroundings matter. Make your tactile experience pleasant. Coarse fabric and non-orthopaedic chairs will surely distract you from your goal. Find a comfortable corner and wrap yourself in your favourite blanket;
  • Taking breaks. In the world of ticking clocks and money signs, a break is underrated. Take short active breaks to dance or do some yoga. Install a meditation app if such an activity helps you stay relaxed and focused. A break is also a perfect time to have a stimulating drink like tea and coffee.

Final Thoughts

As one can see, the writing process is not strictly about writing. One should learn how to give structure to their work. They should also know how to practice writing regularly and ask for help if such is needed. The last but still important thing is knowing how to take care of one’s physical surroundings.

We hope the article was helpful to you. Good luck!