Monday, February 10, 2025

April 28, 2022

Grim New Details In The Klawer ‘Occult’ Murder Story

On Tuesday, 56-year-old Daniel Smit made his second appearance in the Klawer Magistrate's Court. During proceedings, his lawyer read out a statement detailing how 13-year-old Jerobiojin van Wyk was murdered.

[imagesource: Esa Alexander]

Daniel Smit, pictured above, stands accused of murdering 13-year-old Jerobiojin van Wyk.

Police found human remains, including an ear, intestines, and a kidney, hidden in sewage pipes on Smit’s property. These were later confirmed to be those of van Wyk.

According to his lawyer, Santie Human, Smit claims that he became involved “in the occult” when he was 13 years old and confessed to killing four people in Sea Point, Cape Town as part of an “occult group”.

On Tuesday, the 56-year-old made his second appearance in the Klawer Magistrate’s Court. During proceedings, Human read a statement from psychologist CWA van Zyl.

Van Zyl has spent time with Smit and outlined how the murder was carried out. Below via The Daily Maverick:

“The one minor, Jerobejin, was mocking him, after which he lost control and he chased the minors in his vehicle, in daylight [and in full view of] the cameras and the general public.

“He apparently bumped Jerobejin and pulled him into his vehicle and took him to his home knowing very well that people would know about the incident. In his home, he apparently gave him bread and cooldrink, and then broke his neck.”

Image: Supplied to News2

The assessment report further states that the accused’s 20-year-old daughter was also in the house and hadn’t seen anything. Smit allegedly placed the corpse in the freezer.

Together with his daughter, Smit then headed to Vredendal to run some errands before returning home.

After dinner, Smit gave his daughter sleeping tablets to knock her out so that he could conduct “a pre-planned ritual”. The 13-year-old’s body was dismembered and then burnt in Smit’s fireplace.

The body parts that remained were thrown into his septic tank.

TimesLIVE reports that Triesa Van Wyk sat and listened to the description of her son’s murder, before throwing a water bottle at Smit as he left the dock and calling him gemors (rubbish).

Van Zyl recommended that Smit needs to be assessed by a psychiatric team. The state did not oppose an application from Smit’s legal team that he undergo a psychiatric evaluation and he will remain in custody until a bed opens up at Cape Town’s Valkenberg Psychiatric Hospital.

He will then be evaluated for 30 days.

The Satanic Church of South Africa has already distanced itself from Smit and claims from his lawyer, stressing that “there are no cults in Satanism and to belong to a cult is not Satanic”.
