[imagesource: Reddit]
Yet another weird glow in the clouds has been likened to something from Stranger Things.
The neon green skies in South Dakota and then the eerie pink sky in Victoria, Australia, both sent residents into a flurry wondering if they were headed for the Upside Down.
What was the reference when people saw strange lights in the sky before the wildly popular Netflix series?
Is it a lack of imagination or a testament to the monopoly of pop culture over our perception at work here? Probably both.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Now we can move on to why the clouds above the Atlantic Ocean were found glowing like a portal to hell.
The Hindustan Times reported that the image was initially posted on Reddit:

A video was also posted on Twitter:
Video footage of a mysterious red glow over the Atlantic Ocean pic.twitter.com/jHTtnLUlRm
— MONEYWAY (@skylawhylaa) July 20, 2022
The images and video sparked internet-wide chatter about the different theories to explain the strangeness:
“The new Stranger Things season looking wild,” wrote a Reddit user…
“That’s the last gate to reach Vecna.” Another Twitter user added, “Stranger Things Music Begins playing.”
In reality, the lights seem to be caused by LED fishing boats:
“They are boats equipped with large arrays of red LED panels for Saury fishing.” According to a report by the Mirror, fishing boats often use LED lights to attract saury fish.
Something like this:
According to Mint, a Reddit user also made the connection to the LED-lit boats:
“Maybe fishing vessels have never clustered so much to concentrate so much light? Three possible scenarios. 1. Fish populations down to small concentrations. 2. Chinese fishing boats have fished out the Pacific and are now factory fishing in the Atlantic. 3. Atlantic-based fishing boats have adopted China’s factory fishing strategy. None of these are good outcomes. Good luck to those fish.”
Saury fishing is most often seen in the Pacific Ocean.
Neil Jacobs, a weather modelling expert, soon cleared up any confusion. Here’s KKTV:
“They were commercial fishing vessels that were fishing for Pacific saury using very bright red arrays of LED lights,” he said. Lights like these attract the mackerel-like saury the fisherman are hoping to catch…
Jacobs entered the flight’s location and date into globalfishingwatch.org and was able to see fishing vessels by name. On the video, you can see what appears to be one vessel turning its red lights on.
“You can literally see them from outer space,” Jacobs said.
Case closed.
Also, it’s only a matter of time before the Stranger Things reference for every odd sky colouration becomes tiresome.