The Land of the Free seems to be going bonkers lately, and we have to wonder if the absence of a big war to fight somewhere else is causing people in that country to shoot and punch each other.
If it’s not a mass shooting, it’s a Karen trying to stab the postman, or as the latest video shows, people going UFC on each other in airports. What the hell ‘Murica?
Now if you’re a US citizen reading this, you may feel a trifle offended by the insinuation, but being offended is not an argument, and if you had to collate the amount of US vs US news that comes out of North America, you’d be hard pressed to refute the evidence that the US reverting back to their kopskiet en donner Wild West days.
Exhibit 203 is a disturbing video clip that shows a recent fight that broke out in Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. The brawl involved at least a dozen people and broke out at a baggage claim on Monday night.
Reports indicate that the ‘scuffle’ occurred between passengers as they were deplaning, but watching the scene unfold it’s nearly impossible to guess what led to the incident. Maybe someone had a MAGA hat on or was called mister when they clearly identifies as a llama. Who knows.
Two people were arrested following the fight in which travellers were seen throwing punches, pulling hair, and rolling on the floor in an area near a baggage claim carousel. The video is confusing as all hell, and every time you watch it there is a different scrap that pulls the eye.
Like the tug-tug of hair going on in the foreground, or the woman using her headphones as a weapon before a man knocks her to the floor and punches her. How very first-world.
Check out the video below, and don’t feel guilty about watching it a few times. There’s a lot of shit going down and every corner of the screen has a unique moering.
Sent in video of a brawl this morning at O’Hare International Airport.#Chicago pic.twitter.com/AiiLrobUk8
— 16th & 17th District Chicago Police Scanner (@CPD1617Scanner) May 23, 2023
Without a ‘foreign enemy’ to unite against, the US is acting like the kids from Lord of the Flies.
C’mon USA, pull yourself together. Who else is going to make another Marvel movie if you implode?