The massive rockfall that scarred Table Mountain’s visage seems to have just appeared without anyone saying anything.
The Mountain’s face is unchanging and always in the periphery, so it’s easy to ‘ignore’ the towering cliffs and rocky slopes when you see it every day.
If you only recently moved down to Cape Town, you might think it strange, but proper locals sometimes even forget it’s there. You’ll see. And unless Dry January has really messed with our minds, we don’t recall hearing a peep from the local Whatsapp group about this happening.
The consensus around the tequila cooler is that the enormous imperfection seems to have developed around the end of 2023, but after numerous people saying “Huh, I was wondering about that myself,” and TMNP never picking up their phone, we were unable to find an answer.
It appears as if a massive chunk of the cliff just dropped a few hundred metres to the slope below, and the colour of the debris, as well as little vegetation growing over it, suggests it’s relatively new.
The only ‘rockslide’ incident we found was the epic boulder crashing down the mountain in July 2021, which was mentioned on numerous news sites.
We’re not saying the aliens did it, but suspicions have been raised around the cooler. If you have a better explanation, let us know at: editor@2oceansvibe.com