Thursday, January 23, 2025

SPL!NG Movie Review: Breathe

“Good shot old chap”, is the type of era we find ourselves in with Breathe, a coming-of-age romance drama starring Andrew Garfield and Claire Foy. It could’ve been called “Keep Calm and Carry On”, mustering up the best of British fortitude against the tide of bureaucracy and prejudice. Cricket, tennis… a spot of tea and […]

SPL!NG Movie Review: War For The Planet Of The Apes

Andy Serkis is the ringmaster in the reboot series of The Planet of the Apes. A pioneer of iconic digital characters, having played Gollum in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, he’s done it again with Caesar in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and now War […]

SPL!NG Movie Review: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Whether you believe in evolution or not, there’s plenty of great contrasts to be made in The Planet of the Apes saga. After it seemed like Tim Burton had broken the franchise, a prequel in Rise of the Planet of the Apes renewed interest in the science-fiction concept, leveraging Andy Serkis and his second most famous digitally rendered performance […]

SPL!NG Movie Review: The Adventures of Tintin (2011)

The nostalgic The Adventures of Tintin animation series by Herge gave Belgium another famous fictional personality other than Poirot, one whose agenda often involved political conspiracy and espionage. The graphic novels have entertained their readers, delivering a soft James Bond meets Poirot type character in elaborate situations with freedom of imagination.

SPL!NG Movie Review: Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

When you heard that they were releasing a prequel to Planet of the Apes you probably slapped your hand to your forehead. Not only was Tim Burton’s attempt at a reboot to the Planet of the Apes franchise a misfire, the movie title is laughable as if Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, G.I. Joe: […]