Fans Roasted Kylie Jenner After She Posted Herself With That Ageing Filter On TikTok [Video]
Poor Kylie though. Old age is the one thing that gets us all in the end. If her beauty really does get to the point where money and some Botox no longer work, she can just transition like Caitlyn. Nobody ever throws shade at the way men age. Just ask George Clooney and Jack Nicholson.
France Wants Influencers To Label Filtered, Or Retouched Photos
Without an arsenal of filters, Kim Kardashian probably looks like Woody Allen.
All Those Social Media Filters Are Wrecking Your Mental Health [Video]
More and more teens are going under the knife to try and replicate what filters can do, with experts talking of a body dysmorphia epidemic.
GUYS! You Can Hide The Instagram Filters That You Never Use – Just Do This
Hate having those awful and utterly useless Instagram filters tempting you, while you add another selfie to the web? Not to worry – here’s how to get rid of them.
Step Down, Instagram – These Raybans Come With Their Own Photo Filter [PICS+VIDEO]
Sometimes looking through sunglasses can take you into a world of colour, that you want the rest of your friends to see. And don’t lie I’m sure you have all tried the classic, trying to take a photo while holding your sunglasses up to a landscape and snapping a shot on your handheld through them. […]