Tuesday, January 14, 2025

New York’s Banksy Backlash [GALLERY]

Banksy, the elusive street artist that everyone loves, seems to have made a couple enemies. His artworks have been popping up all over New York City over the last couple of weeks for his “street exhibit” entitled, ‘Better Out Than In’.

Banksy’s New Street Art Comes Complete With Audio Guide

Banksy is attempting to host an art exhibit, titled “Better Out Than In,” on the streets of New York. Last week, we brought you a new artwork of his spotted on the streets of LA – it seems that was just the beginning of the elusive artist’s master plan.

Download Banksy’s Exclusive Diamond Jubilee Artwork, For Free [PICS]

This past weekend marked the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, 60 years of politely smiling, waving and occupying an ultimately powerless position. In celebration, renowned street artist, Banksy, created an exclusive piece, which can be yours for free! Click through for cultural enrichment.

Banksy Does Some Rupert Murdoch Art

Banksy’s put up some new art on his site because all the other well-known people were speaking out about the NewsCorp. hacking scandal, and Banksy didn’t want to be left behind. Which is nice! Because honestly I’d almost forgotten about Murdoch. Way to be relevant, Banksy.

Banksy’s Gone Hollywood.

By which I mean, Banksy has been hitting various billboards and street-corners in Los Angeles with culture-bending graffiti. As ever. I mean it’s a little weird that the anti-establishment dude has been promoting his Oscar nomination, but on the up-side, we get some pretty cool art out of it.