Watch President Xi’s Translator Get Body-Slammed By South African Security Guards [Video]

This. Is. South Africa! A man thought to be Xi Jinping’s translator was body-slammed by security staff as he rushed to the Chinese President’s side.
Elon Musk Is Getting Increasingly Worried About Kidnapping Threats

Elon Musk has even gotten to a point where he is concerned that he or members of his family face the threat of being kidnapped.
Ozzie Nightclub Bans Staring Without “Verbal Consent”

The club went on to explain that “if the attention you are giving someone is unwanted, that is considered harassment”.
Panic Rooms Are Out, And Serenity Rooms Are In

The world’s wealthiest have a lot at stake, but at least they have the money to buy all the perimeter fencing, thermal cameras, and personal protection that they need.
Ramaphosa Rushed Out After Security Compromised At King’s Memorial [Video]

Following King Zwelithini’s memorial, President Cyril Ramaphosa faced a security risk and had to be hastily escorted from the scene.
Police Summoned As Nicole Kidman Gets Swatted At The Opera

Don’t worry, she’s fine, but Kidman did have a bit of an encounter with an avid opera fan who felt affronted by her standing ovation.
Bomb Squad Rescues Cape Security Guard With Explosives Strapped To His Body [Video]

In a horrifying cash-in-transit heist, two security officers were hijacked, kidnapped, and left on the N2, one of whom had had bomb strapped to his body.
Amazon Announces Insane Autonomous Indoor Mini-Drone Security Gadget [Video]

Map out a plan of your home, and let the Always Home Cam take to the air and do the rest.
Video Of KZN Toddler ‘Arrest’ Causes Outrage

A disturbing video filmed in Ballito shows a child screaming in fear as metro police carry out an arrest.
Dashcam Captures Wild Car Chase And Shootout In KZN [Video]

Dashcam footage captured a wild car chase and shootout between response officers and the driver of a Golf 6.
Oops – Discovery Bank Finds Major Security Flaw

Discovery acted swiftly after discovering a potentially massive flaw in its credit card transaction system.
What Amazon Spends On Jeff Bezos’ Security Each Year

From bulletproof windows to private security teams, here’s what Amazon spends on Jeff Bezos’ safety.
Carte Blanche Presenter And Crew Robbed At Gunpoint During Interview About Crime [Video]

Masa Kekana’s first interview for ‘Carte Blanche’ went horribly wrong when she and the crew were robbed at gunpoint.
The Big Cybersecurity Question When It Comes To SA’s Digital Banks

With a number of digital banks looking to inject new life into South Africa’s banking scene, the question of cybersecurity is once again front and centre.
1984 Is Coming – British Workers Are Already Implanting Microchips

Ever feel like your boss is constantly looking over your shoulder? Across the pond in the UK, things are stepping up a notch.
Programmatic Advertising Is Freaking Everyone Out – Do This To Stop Ads Following You Around The Internet

If advertisers’ cookies are bothering you, and you can’t get away from that product you looked at once months ago, here’s a list of some handy tools you might need.
WhatsApp’s Massive Security Flaw Lets Anyone Join Group Chats

A simple security flaw has been discovered in WhatsApp’s design, but Facebook said it won’t be fixing the problem. Oh dear.
Zuma Safety Fears – Unprecedented Levels Of Weapons, Ammunition, Cars And Soldiers Protecting Number 1

Zuma’s team of personal security has now grown so much so that it’s the most people any South African head of state has ever had – and you need to ask yourself, “Why?”
Sandton City And V&A Waterfront Ramp Up Security Following Credible High Alert Terror Threat

High-end malls in South Africa are on high alert, after the US Embassy announced possible terrorist attacks. These are the malls that are safe, kind of.
IMPORTANT: Who Exactly Can Read The WhatsApp Messages You Send To Friends And Group Chats?

Facebook has just made a massive update in the encryption code of its messaging service, which will affect exactly who can see what you send.
Why Fingerprint ATM Machines Will Create More Violence

Financial Institutions may soon roll out fingerprint access to the likes of ATM’s, but commentators are skeptical because of SA’s high crime rates.
This Is Where Facebook And Whatsapp Fall Short [INFOGRAPHIC]

There’s an alternative to the usual social media platforms that will keep your security and crime chats within your neighbourhood’s borders.
Cape Town Karate Car Guard Defends Your Vehicle With Nunchucks [Video]

Master Lola dons nunchucks and a balaclava to protect your car while it’s parked outside a popular restaurant in Harrington Street – and (almost) everyone loves him.
Is Your Baby’s Monitor Linked To Your Wi-Fi? I’d Get That Changed ASAP

Here’s one for the parents out there – you may want to change things up baby monitor wise. Like just about everything else cyber-related there are risks.
Now We’re Going To Have Bouncers In Our Parliament

We know that things can get pretty unruly when Jacob Zuma takes questions in parliament so it’s not surprising that security is being seriously beefed up.
Photo Shows Exactly How You Smuggle An 8-Year-Old Boy In A Suitcase

I don’t know what you answer at the check-in counter when they ask you if you packed your own bag and you know you have packed a human.
Russian Websites Gives Access To UK’s Private Home Webcams, Baby Monitors

So, looks like Russia needs to be amid controversy all the time. If it’s not planes crashing, then it’s sneaky spy tapes of people’s babies, and wives in the bathroom…
Were They Expecting A Madman To Burst Into Court And Shoot Oscar?

What on earth are we going to watch on the telly come the end of the Oscar Pistorius saga? At least we have three more days…
Brilliant New California Law – Every Smartphone MUST Have A ‘Kill Switch’

Our smartphone’s are like our third hand, or our extra brain, or in some cases our best friends. That feeling when we lose them is horrific. The thought of someone else having access to our private lives is even worse…
This Is Why Manchester United Has Banned iPads And Laptops

Recent regulations were put in place about travelling with electronic devices powered up and being able to display their legitimacy. We have become used to these sorts of crazy things being put in place in airports, but in football stadiums?