Wrong Teacher Suspended As School Race Row Descends Into Farce [Video]
The North West education department has insisted that Schweizer-Reneke Grade R teacher Elana Barkhuizen remain suspended, despite claims that she was wrongly accused.
It’s Not Just Cape Town – South Africa’s Racial Segregation Is Terrible In All Major Cities
Thanks to apartheid major South African cities remain rather segregated, but these census maps show just how much in each city.
SA Business In Hot Water For Separate Black / White Toilets
Apparently a building in the province of Limpopo is still struggling to come to terms with the end of Apartheid – 20 years later…
Whites Only: Welcome To East London
Lepel Lê, a private beachfront camping site in East London, is a musem of sorts. It’s a museum, in the sense that it is a fine example of apartheid-era ignorance, racism, and hate, and also in the sense that the people inside the place are highly realistic copies of real human beings with souls. Juanelle Landman, of Cape Town, booked a stay at the private resort in East London for her family, and the friend of her son, who happened to be black. After receiving advice that she should phone ahead to confirm that the resort wasn’t subject to the Group Areas Act of 1956, she was told by an official at the camp that the resort was for whites, only.