2018’s Most Exciting Wine Trend Sounds Too Odd To Be True

Who would have guessed that 2018’s biggest wine trend would involve lava and volcanoes? Not us, but apparently it’s all the rage.
Incredible Images And Videos From Yesterday’s Volcanic Eruption In Indonesia

After lying dormant for 400 years, Mount Sinabung’s fourth eruption yesterday let off a whole lot of steam, ash and lava. Like something out of a movie, really.
Stunning Footage Of Volcano In The Philippines Spewing Ash And Lava [Video]

Mount Mayon is due for a major eruption, and over the past while it’s been warming up with a steady stream of ash and lava. Doesn’t make for a good night’s rest.
Inside The World’s Five Most Dangerous Volcanoes [Images+Video]

There are around 1 500 active volcanoes across the globe, but these five stand out due to their ability to wreak havoc.
Insane Photos Show One Of The World’s Newest Islands

There’s a new land mass on Earth for you to add to your bucket list. Just pop on over to the South Pacific in the next few months before it is gone.
There Are Sharks Swimming In This Volcano [Video]

Researchers have stumbled upon some interesting footage whilst studying an active volcano located in the Southwest Pacific Ocean.
Mental Video Shows Japan’s Mount Shindake Volcano Explosion

Sometimes you really do have to marvel at the wonder of nature. Japan boasts a rather impressive list of active volcanoes and Mount Shindake was the latest to step up.
This Ash Cloud Is Getting Ridiculous [Video]

As scenes in Chile start to resemble something out of a Hollywood blockbuster, residents in the vicinity of the Calbuco volcano are being forced to flee their homes.
We Can’t Stop Watching This Video Of An Unexpected Volcano Eruption [Video]

Most of time those in the know can accurately predict when a volcano is starting to play silly buggers. This volcano erupted out of nowhere and the footage is epic.
Volcano Eruption Caught On Webcam

Remember that movie Dante’s Peak? It’s one of my Sunday afternoon favourites. I would be okay if Pierce Brosnan was saving me from hot lava.
Whoah! New GoPro Footage From INSIDE A Bubbling Volcano [Video]

Ever wanted to know what it’s like to traverse through an actual active volcano? A crazy filmmaker and explorer has done just that and given us a glimpse by filming the experience.
Man Captures Volcano Erupting On Camera [Video]

Imagine seeing one of the most amazing things that nature can offer, unexpectedly, whilst on a relaxing holiday. And imagine catching it on your video camera. This Aussie couple did…
Aerial Drone Takes Sick Footage From Inside A Volcano [VIDEO]

We were getting tired of people posting their lame drone videos, depicting bird’s-eye views of landscapes. Sure, your video showing a city hub is cool, but does it have liquid hot magma? No? Move along then.
Watch: Erupting Volcano Creates Entirely New Island [VIDEO]

One day it’s just open sea – the next day there’s an island. Filmed just off the coast of Japan, an erupting volcano has just formed an entirely new island that is about 650 meters across.
Incredible Footage Taken At The Mouth Of A Raging Volcano [VIDEO]

After a 35 day battle with weather, Geoff Mackley, Bradley Ambrose and Nathan Berg finally became the first people ever to get within 30m of Marum Volcano’s infamous lava lake on Ambrym Island, Vanuatu. The resulting footage culminated in what has aptly been titled, “The Most Incredible Volcano Video of ALL Time,” and it doesn’t disappoint.
Sudden Volcano Eruption Causes Mass Evacuation [PICS]

Yesterday afternoon, Guatemala’s Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of Fire), an active volcano near Antigua, Guatemala unexpectedly began erupting, causing panic and the forced evacuation of over 33 000 people. The eruption caused volcanic ash to fall more than half a kilometre down the mountain.
Second Volcano Erupts In New Zealand Creating Massive Island In The Pacific

A mere three days ago we reported on a volcano that erupted in New Zealand after laying dormant for over 100 years. In the very same week, another volcano has blown its load. Luckily this time it’s underwater.
Volcano In New Zealand Erupts After Lying Dormant For 115 Years [VIDEO]

Holy rocks and ash! Mount Tongariro, located in the central North Island of New Zealand, has erupted after lying dormant for 115 years. The eruption brings with it a massive cloud of ash, 115 years worth, reminding us all of the chaos of Eyjafjallajökull. Luckily it’s not so serious this time around.
Fearmongering Or Truth? A Super-Volcano Rumbling Beneath Europe Could Erupt At Any Moment
Super-volcanoes are a scary reality, capable of spewing billions of tons of ash and boiling hot magma upon eruption, it’s a good thing they only pop every 10 to 12 thousand years. Except when it’s been 12 900 years since its last eruption, which is currently the case.
Amazing Photos Of Puyehue Volcano Erupting in Chile
There’s a lot of that volcano business going down at the moment. Over 3,500 people have been evacuated from the area surrounding the Chilean volcano Puyehue, active for the first time in 50 years. Volcanic ash, stirred up by the activity, has spread across the border into Argentina, shutting down businesses and airports.
Awesome Footage Of Grimsvötn Eruption [VIDEO]
Hell. Yes. Filmmaker Jon Gustafsson caught footage of the Grimsvötn eruption – the one that closed all those Icelandic airports and grounded all those planes – from the apparent safey of an Icelandic military helicopter. It looks pretty cool. And I’m very excited to have written that sentence.
Shinmoedake: Yeah, But Eyjafjallajökull Did It First
Hey, remember the whole thunder/ice/volcano scenario in Iceland that cancelled a couple of European flights? Well a similar sort of deal went down in Japan on Sunday, between the Kagoshima and Miyazaki prefectures. Insert your own joke about Japan copying the west. Awesome photos follow.
Rocking The Daisies This Weekend, Baby!
Can you believe it’s that time of year agin? My goodness, I remember the first time I went – wet behind the ears and all that. Not exactly the festival sort, I was. But it turned out ok – they had luxury tenting you see. It was almost a disaster, if I remember correctly.I lost my car keys and found them again the next day – in the middle of the morning-after carnage. I swear. There were some guys and gals rocking out in whatever section it was that was still going on at that stage of the game. Imagine if I didn’t find my keys? Small nightmare going back to CT just to get the spare key.
But back to this year’s Daisies..