There are a lot of iPhone apps out there and, as much as I would like to focus on all of them, my attention has been fully diverted to the new kid on the my block, the iPad. By the way, did I tell you that I subscribed to 12 issues of Wallpaper magazine for £27? That’s like three hundred bucks for 12 issues – delivered to your iPad before they hit the shelves in the US and UK. That’s virtually the same price as two issues here – if you bought them from Exclusive books or Woolies.
While we’re on the subject, how does 13 quid for 26 issues of Rolling Stone magazine sound? R150 for 12 issues of Rolling Stone! Come on, man – you’re having a laugh!
Sorry, back to the point of the story – so I haven’t been focussing on iPhone apps for a while. That was before I visited Barnet Fair for a haircut last week (you gotta check this place out – PROPER barber vibe near &Union on Bree Street – old-school barber chairs, vinyl records, barber pole etc. So the owner, Steven Pitt (no spice) show me this app, called “FatBooth.” those of you who know the app “OldBooth” should be told that this puts OldBooth to shame! Check it out – this is what it did to my vibe, as we considered what would happen if I ate all the pies.
Seth thoroughly enjoys pastry and deep-fried foods
Absolutely AWESOME result! How bad does the very spaced-out facial hair look? God, it’s great! Old Steven from Barnett Fair reckons he ran it by a more overweight friend of his who absolutely flipped when he did it for him, lamenting that the app is only truly humorous when used on leaner people.
Fair enough.
The above pic is very different to this portrait that Cape Town photographer, Morne Van Zyl did of me.
Just to fill you in, Morne is working on a “Portrait Project” and has been snapping pics of all sorts of people around Cape Town – many of whom you will recognise. You might even find Die Antwoord there..
I think it’s a great initiative and the guy clearly knows what he is doing. Go check out his website and see if you recognise anyone.