Back in late March we told you about our very proud milestone of 100,000 unique readers (in one month). We are happy to report that this figure has been more than doubled, with’s June stats showing a readership of 226,364 Absolute Unique Visitors. This, according to Google Analytics.
What is even more exciting, in terms of stats, is the ‘stickiness’ of Samples from the past few weeks have displayed an average visit time of just over four minutes and around three page views per visitor.
Not that we’re surprised. The same is true for the response to 2oceansvibe Radio, with the station’s mobile streaming app enjoying over 25,000 downloads so far. It seems smart people do respond when you give them content they really want to read/hear. Even more so when we’re giving away free car kits, allowing people to listen to 2oceansvibe Radio in their cars! Amazing the result, when there is choice..
Click here to find out how 2oceansvibe Radio is bringing back the forgotten pastime of listening to radio at home and at the office. Have you ever wondered why you only listen to FM radio in your car, and never at home? It’s quite obvious – you have no choice in your car.
Now you do. Click here and here to see how people are being liberated by 2oceansvibe Radio on a daily basis.