Wednesday, February 19, 2025

July 14, 2011

The Next Biggest, Most Awesome Waste Of Time – Owling

If you haven’t been living under a rock the past few months than chances are maybe you’ve been planking on one. And, if pretending to be a piece of driftwood isn’t really your thing, than here’s your next chance to be a freak, while endangering your life at the same time. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the next completely pointless, yet somewhat appealing Internet craze – Owling.

So according to a new group of Internet fame seekers, planking is like, so last Tuesday. If you’re still in the dark, planking is the art of laying down, hands free, while showing off your skills to the Internet. The more insane the plank, the more street cred you get amongst fellow plankers.

Owling however, is a little different. Owlers perch on the edge of various objects like an owl, and as with planking, the more difficult the owling the better your rep amongst other owlers.

It seems that these days grasping those fifteen minutes of fame is as easy as imitating animals and inanimate objects, acting like a spaz and placing your life in danger.

I can do that. But I won’t.

My momma didn’t raise no owler.

[Source: inquistr]