When you think about the idea of Death not having to try too hard, you generally end up shying away from the absolute truth: Death doesn’t.
For example:
And there was the part where we discussed a whole lot of ways that you’re really least likely to die. Like really. But you know, sometimes, you wonder if it’s unlikely at all:
Of course, there was also the part where we wondered about the most ridiculous ways that people have sent themselves out of this world and whether they were thinking very hard about it. Supposedly, Death doesn’t have to try very hard but in some cases, you find yourself agreeing one hundred percent.
All in all, it’s a fait accompli that with this kind of thing happening, there’s no reason to turn away from FRANK.NET as a perfect way to cover yourself for those unfortunate moments when things are easy for Death.
Take for example the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker. If one thinks these professions are for the faint of heart, think again.
The butcher – he’s a nice guy, but he’s wielding the kind of machinery and equipment one reckons you have to get a special licence to use. Knives and saws and cutting blocks and so on.
We decided, in light of this, that it would be best if he got a quote from FRANK.NET so he did.
And kids: worth every cent of R6 million!
But what about the baker? He’s got it going for him – smells like freshly made bread all the time (I mean, who wouldn’t?). But when you’re slaving away at a roaring hot oven and dealing with things fresh from the grill, best make sure you’re covered.
With FRANK.NET, he is, and to the tasty tune of R8 million!
But what about the candlestick maker? Surely his job is quite safe? Not at all. Has anybody watched Body of Evidence? Wax is definitely not safe. So we got him to check out a quote from FRANK.NET too.
He was very happy with his tasty R5 million cover that he didn’t even have to stretch for.
The best part is they (along with, hopefully, everyone reading) went to like the Facebook page and are now in the running for a trip to Finland!
As I am sure we’re all aware, Finland is the land of the many saunas (1.8 milllion, to be precise), land of Latin news, land where the 5000 year old piece of chewing gum was discovered.
Some lucky (and covered!) folk are going to have to go and verify that all for us.
At the end of the day (and this campaign) the message is clear: Death doesn’t have to try very hard, but with FRANK.NET, neither should you.
Now we all know you’re better than that, but there are a bunch of ways to be outwitted. Which makes shaking hands with FRANK.NET that much better, that much smarter, than all of the above mentioned.
So let’s find out how much YOUR life is worth, using this handy form.
Click here to see past memes.
BTW, they also cover Salary Protection, Serious Illness Cover, Disability Cover and Hospital Cash Back Cover, just as easily!