Thursday, February 13, 2025

Enjoy This Website Called ‘Accidental Chinese Hipsters’

A mid the super conscious efforts many of us make to maintain a specific and carefully crafted image at any given time in our lives, there are those people who are accidental geniuses when it comes to style. Observe...

Amid the super conscious efforts many of us make to maintain a specific and carefully crafted image at any given time in our lives, there are those people who are accidental geniuses when it comes to style. This site – Accidental Chinese Hipsters – is dedicated to just this: sharing sightings of these accidentally awesome folks.

Of course, this is by no means any indication that intentional Chinese hipsters are hanging around listening to folky Chinese music that no one else knows, but there is something brilliant about accidentally being a hipster no matter what culture you are from. This is most probably because it’s just so hipster to not even realise that you are part of the trend and yet exemplify it perfectly.

So this is one of our favs… please notice the shoes!

And then there is this gem… the whole combination is just too good.

Check out more on Accidental Chinese Hipster and please do let them know if you have made any accidentally genius sightings lately.