Thursday, February 13, 2025

September 2, 2015

The Guy Who Posted That Cop Video Is Being Torn Apart On Social Media [Gallery]

Yuss, Clive, shame man. The lesson you just got served is a hard one to swallow, especially if the pill is made up of Twitter memes aiming to burn you. And where you live.

I wonder if the yet-to-be-identified traffic officer that was made famous by the now viral video shot, in portrait, by Clive Naidoo has had her dream of her father seeing her on TV come true. What we do know is that Clive’s dream of exposing her, along with his reputation, has died a very slow and embarrassing death.

Clive, I know it’s a bit too late, but we need to have a quick chat. Do not mess with Twitter. Their game is real and there’s zero chill in South Africa, especially when it comes to insults – even less so when you upload a video that not only contains your personal details, but has a traffic cop replying to them with insults.

What followed after the release of his video yesterday was a brilliant backlash from the Twitter community, who created memes to beat down the already beaten down:

At first, the twittersphere attacked the wrong Clive Naidoo, who graciously replied that he wasn’t in the country at the time. Only after users forced him to post an image of his boarding pass was he let off the hook. Tt didn’t take long for them to find @MrCliveNaidoo, a Twitter handle the real Clive Naidoo set up with the sole purpose of exposing the ‘truth’.  The devastated Clive attempted to apologise, but de-activated the account only hours later, leaving us with this:

Ok, bye guys. I’m deactivating. I wanted you guys to see my side of the story. Honestly. I’m also deleting the video on my fb page.

I wonder if he has changed his cell number yet.

[source: iol]