Yesterday we showed you a pair of low lives fleecing an open house in Constantia, the duo working as a team to make off with a host of electronic goods and other bits and bobs.
You can see that video HERE, which managed to get quite a reaction from you folks right across the country. We received an email with a screenshot of the alleged culprit, but have been asked to remove it due to the ongoing investigation.
Here’s what Dave (the guy whose open house got robbed) sent in:
Update for you. It would appear the same guy has been stealing cars from car dealerships. One of the owners saw my video and contacted me today. He had managed to effect a citizens arrest earlier. The guy is in custody at Goodwood police station. The power of social media!!
Dave and one of the victims have been in touch and here’s the last word from Dave:
I have reported it to the cops but haven’t had any follow up yet. Will call them today. We have them in video. Pretty sure we have finger prints on the laptop they didn’t take and they go to show houses on Sunday’s. Should be pretty easy to catch.
Ah yes, the power of social media. Now for the SAPS to do what’s required of them and ensure this cretin ends up behind bars.
Thanks to you awesome readers who hopped on board, reward yourselves with a few cold ones.
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