Friday, March 7, 2025

Axl Rose NAILED ‘Back In Black’ As New AC/DC Frontman [Video]

The world was watching to see whether Axl Rose could front up and rock out with AC/DC, and by all accounts he did a pretty decent job.

A wedding isn’t a wedding without at least one AC/DC fuelled dance-off, although fans of the old school rockers have been up in arms of late.

The band recently announced that lead singer Brian Johnson would no longer tour with them, but it was the decision to replace him with Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose that most angered fans.

So how would show number one in Portugal go down? Over to the Guardian:

Rose’s arrival makes this show the first AC/DC gig in year…at which no one knows exactly what to expect. Its triumph is that it does exactly what one would expect, but rather better than one had dared hope for. Rose being confined to his throne on castors – he looks for all the world like a hard-rock Davros – is a rare downside to his performance…

Rose, who is familiar with both malevolence and misanthropy, delivers those songs perfectly, giving them fresh menace. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap loses its cartoonish aspect, and becomes the bar-room chatter of a psychopath; he introduces Shot Down in Flames as “the story of my life” and convinces you it’s true. His voice, too, is brilliant: no matter how high, every note is hit, and sustained. And he keeps it up for two hours…

Carry on like this, and those wondering whether AC/DC are still worth going to see this summer should have no worries: they, too, will be having fun.

Well played sir – let’s take a look at his rendition of the classic ‘Back in Black’:

