Friday, March 7, 2025

Arnold Schwarzenneger Arrives In SA, Almost Gets Owned By An Elephant [Video]

Arnold Schwarzenegger has been doing what tourists do in South Africa, and had a close encounter with one very intrigued ellie.

You know when you see someone famous in your midst, but you’re not too sure if it’s really them, so you skirt around with side eyes and then go in for the kill?

Well, that’s pretty much how this ellie reacted around the former Governor of California.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is in the country promoting the Arnold Sports Festival – a multi-national, multi-sport athletic event that took place in Johannesburg over the weekend – and added in a safari adventure. Obviously.

He then filmed a close-encounter with an elephant, which is posted on Twitter:

He then tweeted the following:

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 2.04.49 PM

Nice little animal-saving punt, Arnie.

[source: channel24&iol]