Wednesday, February 19, 2025

How R50 Can Turn You Into An Investment Mogul

Sometimes I pretend to be on the phone, talking about big deals and share sales, just to feel important. Shouldn't have bothered, because getting involved is pretty simple.

Looking for a competitive way to spice things up around the office?

Sure, you might be playing an office World Cup game, but some poor sod drew Panama out of the hat and didn’t stand a chance from the get-go. You can wipe that smug grin off your face for now, whoever pulled Germany, although I wouldn’t tear the paper up just yet.

If you want to play something that’s for keeps, and a little more high stakes, how about seeing who is the shrewdest investor?

I know it sounds very adult-like, and you’re doing your best to avoid those responsibilities, but it’s really never been easier.

Online investment platforms like EasyEquities have made it possible to buy shares in South Africa’s – and the world’s – biggest companies with a few taps of an app, and it’s pretty good fun checking in to see how your money is working for you.

Don’t stress about the big numbers, either – you can get started with as little as R50. Maybe you invest that in Apple and tell everyone you’re a shareholder – you know, because you are.

Here’s a little pro-tip if you are keen to dip your toes into the water – thanks to investment bundles, you don’t have to know the first thing about the market to get involved.

Take for example Michele Barclay, the CEO at 360 Financial Solutions. She’s 46 and, like a lot of people, is just getting into investing.

She’s started with an EasyEquities managed investment bundle, which means she gets all the benefits of investing, without having to be super hands on.

I guess that’s a good thing on two fronts – someone else does all the legwork, and there’s no chance of me mucking the whole thing up.

Her bundle manager, Advicement, has created a collection of shares in a risk category that Michele feels comfortable with, and adjusts this portfolio from time to time when they see a need to:

The exposure I have had to the financial services sector through my job has opened up this world for me. I am still a newcomer to share investing but it’s a very interesting space and by all accounts you can’t beat the returns on the share market over an extended period of time.

That’s another big plus – you don’t have to deal with the worry of whether or not to dump shares, because the experts are on it and they’re playing the long game.

The other bonus is that it’s completely transparent: At any time, Michele is able to see everything that’s going on in her account – which shares are in her portfolio, and how well they have performed.

Michelle says the biggest appeal was actually being able to manage her risk. Firstly, because she was able to match her personal appetite for risk to a bundle that suited it; secondly, because bundles immediately offer a diversified portfolio, in one transaction:

There is safety in having a selection – they can’t possibly all “tank” at the same time. Some will be up while others will be down and it then it could swing but overall it’s a safe bet.

I have family and friends that are investing and I intend to get my kiddies into it – you are never to young and wish I had started as a youngster.

Women are becoming more financially independent. They are educated in finances and taking responsibility for their future wealth, so in time women will be more comfortable taking bigger risks.

Power to the people!

Whether you’re doing it to set yourself up with a little nest egg when you retire, or whether you’re doing it to prove to your work colleagues that you’re smarter than they are, there’s no harm in having a little flutter.

Just don’t tell them how easy it is to make use of the investment bundles, because having a competitive edge never hurts.

You can check out EasyEquities’ super-simple platform here – happy investing, good people.