Thursday, February 13, 2025

August 24, 2018

Happy Friday: Farting Security Guard Gets Fired After Going Viral [Video]

Most people who fart at work do so on the lowdown, but not Paul Flart. When his antics went viral, however, the wolves closed in.

People really will share every single detail of their lives online.

Babies and breakups and breakfast pictures are one thing (they’re three things, but you get what I’m saying), but what kind of person uploads video of all their farts to Instagram?

A chap who goes by the name of Paul Flart on Instagram, that’s who. He calls himself “The Fart Authority”, and whenever he busts out a toot, he uploads it the account.

Seriously, each one of these is a fart.

I think it’s the eye contact that I find so disconcerting. Some solid efforts, but nothing close to the real champ.

Now Paul was doing just fine with those videos above, but it’s when this compilation started doing the rounds, first on Reddit, that things went to the next level.

Here’s the compilation in question:

This is definitely the kind of man that stands way too close in the ATM line.

But I like him – there, I said it.

With that video above gaining traction online, his bosses caught wind of what was going on. In true Paul Flart fashion, he decided to record the moment he was sacked:

Truth bomb time – his real name is Doug, and he spilled the beans about how he got to this point during an interview with VICE.

You’ve got nothing better to do, so you may as well stick around for the backstory:

It all started when Flart moved to Florida from New Jersey to help his mother after his father passed away. He noticed a lot of security jobs in the area, and decided to get his license. Working at an area hospital was his second gig in the biz, and he says management liked his funny-guy personality so much they wanted him to be the first point of contact for visitors…

He moved from a third-shift patrol to the front desk, where there were plenty dead hours in between the busy ones.

During a lull in the shift, Flart had an epiphany. “The lobby has really great acoustics, and naturally, we all fart. One day I ripped a rather nice one and got really good sound from it, so the next time it happened I recorded it and sent it to my group chat,” he said. Flart’s friends loved it, and suggested he take his show on the information superhighway. They helped him brainstorm names until Paul Flart was suggested, and it stuck.

He’s just out here making a difference in people’s lives, man:

Flart said since his explosive rise in followers, the feedback in his DMs has grown even more personal. “I’ve had people from Holland and Germany and the UK sending me DMs and saying it’s the greatest thing ever. This brightens their day. Some people said their week has been so shitty and then they find my videos and then they’re laughing and they’re happy about it and it brings them joy, which to me is great. Like I’m all about that. I couldn’t ask for better stuff,” he said. “Um, I had a guy, I’m sure he was joking, but he’s like, ‘I stopped doing heroin for you.'”

The man’s an everyday hero.

So, what next?

Flart’s so calm because he’s already thinking about the next steps of his viral career. “My thought process is just run with this and see where this goes,” he said. He’s already making Paul Flart merchandise. He’s got a Patreon. He’s enlisted friends who make music videos and do graphic design to take him to the next level…

“We live in a society where this is the big popular thing right now, but next week, unless I’m doing more than keeping it going, it’s going to be nothing,” he said. “We’re going to keep making content. We can do Paul Flart on vacation, you know, throw in like a Hawaiian shirt and a hat of some sort and then just fart around Florida. We’re just going to keep going.”

Never give up on your dream.

