[imagesource: Illustration by Pablo Delcan; Photographs by Getty Images]
Smell is a huge part of communication and attraction.
Think of the moments when you’re walking down the street and you basically have to give yourself whiplash to see who that sexy beast is with that gorgeous fragrance.
That, in contrast, with the moment you try desperately not to breathe through your nose at a party while having small talk with an unfortunate soul plagued by vile breath.
As organic beings, body odour is bound to prop up, but at least we should try to keep it on the down low. The mouth region, one might argue, is a particularly sore talking point, but thankfully, rather easy to keep squeaky clean with a little effort.
Healthline notes that the most common cause of bad breath, or halitosis as it is formally known, is poor dental hygiene:
If you don’t brush and floss often, the bacteria in your mouth continue to grow, and a thin film of bacteria known as plaque builds up on your teeth. When plaque isn’t brushed away at least twice per day, it produces a foul odor and leads to another smelly process, tooth decay.
The first port of call is to figure out if your tongue and teeth are carrying any unwanted smells. You can cup your hands over your mouth and heave out a good breath to check, or you could ask a willing friend to give you a quick sniff test.
You could also get your OptiSmile dentist to diagnose bad breath by identifying the bacteria and sulfur compounds responsible for the foul smell.
The back of the tongue is most often the source of the smell, so your dentist will need to scrape that area and rate its odour along with using their well-trained nose.
Once you know you have a bit of a honker on you, you can get to work banishing your bad breath for good.
Treatment for bad breath: every day, twice a day, one must consistently practice good oral hygiene so as to reduce bad breath, help avoid cavities, and lower your risk of gum disease.
The dental measures you may need to take to better care of your oral health, per Mayo Clinic, are to:
- Use mouth rinses and toothpaste: If your bad breath is due to a buildup of bacteria (plaque) on your teeth, your dentist may recommend a mouth rinse that kills the bacteria. Your dentist may also recommend toothpaste that contains an antibacterial agent to kill the bacteria that cause plaque buildup.
- Treat dental disease: If you have gum disease, you may be referred to a gum specialist (periodontist). Gum disease can cause gums to pull away from your teeth, leaving deep pockets that fill with odour-causing bacteria. Sometimes only professional cleaning removes these bacteria. Your dentist might also recommend replacing faulty tooth restorations, a breeding ground for bacteria.
You can peruse all the periodontists in Cape Town if you suspect a dental disease or any other bad breath complication.
Keep bad breath at bay by maintaining a healthy lifestyle:
- Brush using fluoride-containing or antibacterial toothpaste at least twice a day, especially after meals.
- Remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth by flossing at least once a day.
- Brush your tongue as it harbours bacteria. If your tongue is coated from a significant overgrowth of bacteria (because of smoking or dry mouth, for example) you may benefit from using a tongue scraper.
- If you wear a bridge or a denture, or a retainer or mouth guard, clean it thoroughly at least once a day or as directed by your dentist.
- Avoid things that dry out your mouth and cause bad breath, like coffee, soft drinks, alcohol, and tobacco.
- Adjust your diet to avoid foods that can cause bad breath, such as onions and garlic, as well as sugary goods.
- Change your toothbrush about every three to four months, especially when it becomes frayed.
- See your dentist on a regular basis, generally twice a year, to have your teeth or dentures examined and cleaned.
Other ways to prevent bad breath include home remedies:
- Because saliva plays a very important role in keeping your mouth clean, consider chewing sugar-free gums or just stick to some plain old water to keep your mouth moist.
- Yoghurt contains healthy bacteria called lactobacillus that can help combat bad bacteria in various parts of your body, like your gut, which can often be the origin of bad breath.
- Zinc salts, an ingredient in certain mouthwashes and chewing gum, can counteract bad breath by working to decrease the number of sulfurous compounds in your breath.
Making a dentist’s appointment: if your bad breath continues despite your best efforts, it would be best to make an appointment with a dentist.
You can visit an OptiSmile branch, which boasts dentists, Invisalign specialists, prosthodontists, periodontists and hygienists who all work as a team to help you with dental erosion or any other dental issues you may have.
As they say at OptiSmile, nobody wants breath so bad it could wake the dead.
If you have any concerns about your bad breath, then book an appointment with OptiSmile as soon as possible.